Americans' Views of Federal Income Taxes Worsen

May 19, 2023

Story Highlights 60% say their federal income taxes are too high46% regard their income taxes as fair, lowest since 1999Federal income tax now regarded as the worst taxWASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans’ opinions of federal income taxes are the worst Gallup has measured in about two decades. More Americans say federal income tax is the worst -- or least fair -- tax, edging out local property tax. ###Embeddable###Partisans’ opinions of income tax fairness follow a similar trajectory to their views of the amount of income tax they pay. Between 10% and 14% of Americans say federal Social Security tax, state income tax and state sales tax are the worst taxes. Significantly more upper-income Americans say federal income tax is the worst (37%) than say this about local property tax (26%).