DHS has a program gathering domestic intelligence — and virtually no one knows about it

March 06, 2023

The inner workings of the program — called the “Overt Human Intelligence Collection Program” — are described in the large tranche of internal documents POLITICO reviewed from the Office of Intelligence and Analysis. Taylor’s email included a few lines referencing employees’ concerns about the scope and appropriateness of their work. “Employees recommended I&A provide field employees with professional liability insurance.”In response, an I&A spokesperson pointed to I&A’s Intelligence Oversight Guidelines. | Gregory Bull/AP PhotoFears of RetaliationThe Management Analysis and Assistance Program survey slide deck from April 2021 details another prevalent concern: retaliation against people who speak out. Kreitner noted that the pause came in the wake of a meeting with DHS’s Intelligence Law Division and I&A’s Intelligence Oversight Office, an internal watchdog.