Cancer patients with sickle cell disease report reduction in pain and anxiety in response to music therapy

December 21, 2022

Furthermore, patients with SCD who received music therapy reported significantly higher pain and anxiety at baseline than patients with hematologic and/or oncologic conditions excluding SCD. The findings from this study were recently published in the journal, Integrative Cancer Therapies, a leading journal focusing on understanding the science of integrative cancer treatments. This study builds upon a history of seminal music therapy studies funded by the Kulas Foundation, the country's leading foundation for funding scientific research in music therapy, that have investigated the efficacy of music therapy in palliative care, surgery, and sickle cell disease at UH. In particular, music therapy services are fully integrated throughout both inpatient and outpatient units to provide continuity of care through transitional periods of treatment." Furthermore, in an analysis of patients' comments about music therapy, patients expressed themes including enjoyment, gratitude, and improvements in mood, pain, and anxiety.

The source of this news is from Medical News