Over a third of 18-24 years olds suffering from back pain are left unable to work

May 25, 2023

Over a third of 18–24-year-olds have been prevented from working due to back pain. 14% of the 18–24-year-olds who stated they were left unable to work due to back pain conditions, were prevented from working for 10-12 months. New data from the British Chiropractic Association shows that 50% of 18-24-year-olds in Britain have suffered with back pain in the last two years. As a result, over a third (34%)[1] were left unable to work due to their condition, with an alarming 14% of these respondents prevented from working for 10-12 months. [1] British Chiropractic Association One Poll consumer survey, 2023[2] British Chiropractic Association One Poll consumer survey, 2023[3] British Chiropractic Association One Poll consumer survey, 2023[4] British Chiropractic Association One Poll consumer survey, 2021[5] https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210217-is-it-bad-to-you-work-from-your-bed-for-a-year[6] British Chiropractic Association One Poll consumer survey, 2023

The source of this news is from British Chiropractic Association